Beautiful pics of Monica Bellucci and Molly Ringwald feet & legs

Molly Kathleen Ringwald was born in America. She's a writer as well as an actress and translator. Before being nominated as an Golden Globe nominee for Tempest's performance, Ringwald started out her acting career with Diff'rent Strokes. Molly Ringwald is a famous American actress who has a net worth of $13 million. Molly Ringwald is the highest-paid American actress according to various sources on the internet (Wikipedia Forbes Bloomberg). As she turned to motion films, she landed a leading role on screen in Tempest (1982), produced by Paul Mazursky along with Juliet Taylor as the casting director. The actress was also considered for Golden Globe awards for this performance. The role that she made her debut was Sixteen Candles (1984) which led to her becoming famous. Monica Anna Maria Bellucci hails from Italy. Her modeling career began when she first started her profession, doing work for Dolce & Gabbana Cartier Dior. Later, she moved on to Italian film and eventually American and French movies. The Local reported that after 14 years of marriage, they are now separating "mutually." The Local reports that the couple after 14 years of marriage has decided to separate by "mutual mutual consent."

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